AI Squire

AI Squire®

Ai SquireAI Squire® – The innovative tool to assist with compliance in the realm of AI

As businesses increasingly embrace artificial intelligence (AI) systems and applications to drive innovation and efficiency, it’s crucial to ensure that these technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that respects fundamental rights and freedoms. With the enactment of the new European Union regulation on AI – AI Act, which aims to regulate the development and use of AI systems across various sectors, companies will face new compliance challenges and obligations.

In particular, the AI Act requires companies to carry out an impact assessment on the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens (customers, users, employees, etc.) before adopting or developing AI-based systems and applications: from the most common to the most advanced.

Against this backdrop, &trust | Smart Compliance Solutions has designed and developed “AI Squire®”, a practical tool to support companies in navigating the complexities of AI regulation and compliance. This Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment (FRIA) tool provides a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for assessing and managing the impact of AI systems on individual rights and freedoms, helping companies comply with the forthcoming regulations while facilitating effective risk management.

Here’s why AI Squire® is essential for your company:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Our tool helps you comply with mandatory regulations, ensuring that your risk assessment and management activities are aligned with the standards set forth by the AI Act.
  2. Simplification: The methodology enables businesses to document in a single repository all the numerous compliance requirements and assessments mandated by the AI Act (a comprehensive regulation comprising 420 pages, 113 articles, 180 recitals, and 13 annexes).
  3. Clear and Effective Documentation of your assessments of the impact on the rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals.
  4. Continuous Risk Management: Manage risk over time and monitor the corrective actions taken to reduce the impact on people’s rights and fundamental freedoms, ensuring continuous and proactive risk management.
  5. Operational Efficiency: Reduce the time to complete your FRIA by avoiding unnecessary, excessive, or redundant activities, saving valuable time and resources.
  6. Integration with DPIA: AI Squire® seamlessly integrates with GDPR’s Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs), allowing for coordinated and synergistic management of compliance activities.
  7. User-Friendly Interface: AI Squire® is meticulously crafted for seamless autonomous operation within your company. Alternatively, should you require additional support, our team at &trust | Smart Compliance Solutions stands ready to assist, offering outsourced services to further enhance efficiency and you’re your valuable time.
  8. Value for Money: AI Squire® offers an excellent return on investment, providing a cost-effective solution that ensures your compliance needs are met without breaking the bank.

In summary, AI Squire® is an innovative solution for achieving compliance with both the AI Act and the GDPR, serving as a comprehensive management and control tool for mitigating risks associated with AI systems.  A valuable ally for your team, offering reliable guidance and addressing the challenges of regulatory compliance in the increasingly complex AI technology landscape.

Contact us for more information or to schedule a personalized demo. We would be proud to assist you and answer all your questions.